
longest prefix palindrome

  • use LSP: compute_lsp(t + sep + t[: : -1])

count all palindromes


  • start from mid , until mid < n
    • set up left and right
    left = mid - 1
    right = mid + 1
    • expand to the right to cover duplicates
    right = mid + 1
    while right < n and s[right] == s[mid]:
    	right += 1
    • after that, right will be mid for the next iteration
    mid = right
    • expand to both left and right
    while left >= 0 and right < n and s[left] == s[right]:
    	left -= 1
    	right += 1


def count_palindromes(s: str) -> int:
	n = len(s)
	ans = 0
	mid = 0
	while mid < n:
		left = mid - 1
		right = mid + 1
		while right < n and s[mid] == s[right]:
			right += 1
		ans += (right - mid + 1) * (right - mid) // 2
		mid = right
		while left >= 0 and right < n and s[left] == s[right]:
			left -= 1
			right += 1
		ans += right - mid
	return ans


  • Time:
  • Space:

find longest palindrome - Manacher’s algorithm


  • add a special character . in between all characters to make all palindrome of odd length and add special characters at start and end as sentinels
s = '^.' + '.'.join(s) + '.$'
  • calculate the DP array max_radius where max_radius[center] = max radius of the palindrome at center
  • after calculated max_radius[center]:
    • max_radius up to center are calculated
    • try to use it to calculate for new_center from center + 1 to center + max_radius[center]:
      • we can only use the palindromes that ends before or at right_bound = center + max_radius[center]
        • so maximum radius we can use for new_center is radius_bound is right_bound - new_center
      • use mirror_center which is the mirror of new_center over center
        • if longest palindrome at mirror_center is doesn’t reach the bound (i.e. max_radius[mirror_center] < radius_bound)
          • then longest palindrome at new_center must also be the same (i.e. max_radius[new_center] = max_radius[mirror_center])
          • then increase next_center by 1
        • if longest palindrome at mirror_center is over the bound (i.e. max_radius[mirror_center] > radius_bound)
          • then longest palindrome at new_center must ends at the bound (i.e. max_radius[mirror_center] = radius_bound)
          • then increase next_center by 1
        • if longest palindrome at mirror_center end right at the bound (i.e. max_radius[mirror_center] == radius_bound)
          • then longest palindrome at new_center could ends at or over the bound (i.e. max_radius[mirror_center] = radius_bound)
          • so we update its radius = radius_bound and try to expand it in the next iteration


def longest_palindrome(s: str) -> int:
	if s == s[::-1]:
		return s
	s = '^.' + '.'.join(s) + '.$'
	n = len(s)
	max_radius = [0] * n
	center = 1
	best_center = 0
	while center + max_radius[center] < n - 1:
		r = 1
		while s[center - r] == s[center + r]:
			r += 1
		max_radius[center] = r - 1
		if max_radius[center] > max_radius[best_center]:
			best_center = center
		right_bound = center + max_radius[center]
		mirror_center = center - 1
		center += 1
		while center <= right_bound:
			radius_bound = right_bound - center
			if max_radius[mirror_center] != radius_bound:
				max_radius[center] = min(radius_bound, max_radius[mirror_center])
				center += 1
				mirror_center -= 1
				max_radius[center] = radius_bound
	r = max_radius[best_center]
	return s[best_center - r + 1 : best_center + r + 1: 2]
  • a shorter implementation
def longest_palindrome(s: str) -> int:
	if s == s[::-1]:
		return s
	s = '^.' + '.'.join(s) + '.$'
	n = len(s)
	radius = [0] * n
	best = 0
	l, r = 1 , 1
	for i in range(1, n - 1):
		radius[i] = max(0, min(r - i, radius[l + (r - i)]))
		while s[i - radius[i]] == s[i + radius[i]]:
			radius[i] += 1
		if i + radius[i] > r:
			l = i - radius[i]
			r = i + radius[i]
		if radius[best] < radius[i]:
			best = i
	return s[best - radius[best] + 2 : best + radius[best] : 2]


  • Time:
    • at each iteration, either center or center + max_radius[center] increases
  • Space:
