
source: overfitting - Relation between “underfitting” vs “high bias and low variance” - Data Science Stack Exchange


  • refers to a model that is not complex enough to capture the underlying trend in the data.
    • It is not able to capture the patterns in the data well and as a result, it performs poorly on both the training and the test sets.

High bias

  • Bias refers to the tendency of a model to consistently make the same types of errors, regardless of the input data.
    • A model with high bias pays little attention to the training data and oversimplifies the model, leading to poor performance on the training and test sets.

High bias and Underfitting

  • Underfitting is often caused by a model with High bias, which means that it is oversimplifying the problem and is not able to capture the complexity of the data.


  • refers to a model that is too complex and fits the noise in the training data, rather than the underlying trend.
    • It performs well on the training set, but poorly on the test set.

High variance

  • Variance refers to the sensitivity of the model to small fluctuations in the training data.
    • A model with high variance pays too much attention to the training data and ends up learning the noise in the data, rather than the underlying trend.

High variance and Overfitting

  • Overfitting is often caused by a model with High variance, which means that it is too sensitive to the noise in the training data and is not able to generalize well to unseen data.