

  • how many flops of those available flops are used properly
    • i.e. the utilization from the floating point operations required for a single forward/backwards pass of the model
    • only cares about the actual FLOPs that effectively train the model (the number that is counted in the first operation)
    • ====does not account for the additional compute required for other implementation details (such as activation checkpointing)
      • not every operation is actually productive in moving the model forward
        • e.g. Activation Checkpointing, some of the FLOPs are not being used productively, they are just being used for re-computation.


  • run the model and count the number of FLOPs in the first operation
  • run the model for a while and calculate the tokens per second (every token is doing the number of FLOPs calculated above)


  • nvidia-smi does not tell the MFU


Per token, each parameter is used for a MAC (2 FLOPS) per network operation. Neural Network training has 3 network operations: forward pass, backward pass, and computation of parameter gradient.
The attention mechanism the forward pass FLOPS are: 
`attn_flops_per_seq = n_layers * 2 * 2 * (d_model * (seq_len**2))`
    flops_per_token = 2 * n_params
    flops_per_seq = flops_per_token * seq_len
    mfu* = 3 * flops_per_seq * seq_per_sec / (gpu_num * GPU_AVAILABLE_FLOPS)
    attn_flops_per_seq = n_layers * 2 * 2 * (d_model * (seq_len**2))
    mfu = (3 * flops_per_seq + 3 * attn_flops_per_seq) * seq_per_sec / (gpu_num * GPU_AVAILABLE_FLOPS)