
GitHub - mosaicml/streaming: A Data Streaming Library for Efficient Neural Network Training

  • Allow data to be stored in many places during training.
  • Ensure determinism even when training crashes or the number of GPUs changes.
  • Determinism is really tricky. Key ideas:
    • The idea of virtual GPUs.
    • As part of spinning up streaming data loader, you actually set a number of virtual GPUs.
    • The number of virtual GPUs have to be divisible by the number of physical GPUs or vice versa.
    • Once the number of virtual GPUs are fixed, determinism is preserved.
    • Virtual GPUs act as a layer of abstraction that determine the sequence that you look at data.
  • allow for elastic sharded checkpointing
    • allow n sharded of checkpoints to be able to resume using m number of GPUs (m != n)
    • e.g. have a checkpoints for 512 GPUs and resumes just fine on 504 GPUs (or whatever the number)