Longer sequences increase attention cost. This may or may not matter.
Because the cost for computing attentions is so negligible and so fast compared to all the other fully-connected layers in the network.
eventually you get long enough sequences that attention cost does actually start to matter. According to MosaicML throughput table:
for really big networks, there’s basically no penalty for having longer sequences because the cost of attention is completely drowned out by the cost of the bigger network
for 30B, there seem to be no penalty in going from 2048 to 4096, and 15% penalty when going to 8192 → not too bad, worth paying
for smaller network, the relative price escalate more quickly
Do you have enough data to use a longer sequence length ?
a lot of standard data sets out there, there isn’t a lot of long sequence data
for training a long sequence model, there is not much to work with
even if there are stuffs to work with, one must be very careful where they pull it from
when trying to sample the data evenly, the long sequences might be used over and over again
Will the model actually be able to take advantage of longer sequences ?
An open scientific question
The model may not be able to holistically take advantage of all that information
There’s still a lot to learn about long sequence training
Adam is the typical default, but there are challenges, e.g. need 2 full copy of the model in terms of memory because it uses the first and second momentums during training
there is 8bit Adam that halve the memory footprint
SGD has a low memory footprint but for pre-training it hasn’t gone well (source)
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