

Sequence length

Longer sequences increase attention cost. This may or may not matter.

  • Because the cost for computing attentions is so negligible and so fast compared to all the other fully-connected layers in the network.
  • eventually you get long enough sequences that attention cost does actually start to matter. According to MosaicML throughput table:
    • for really big networks, there’s basically no penalty for having longer sequences because the cost of attention is completely drowned out by the cost of the bigger network
    • for 30B, there seem to be no penalty in going from 2048 to 4096, and 15% penalty when going to 8192 not too bad, worth paying
  • for smaller network, the relative price escalate more quickly

Do you have enough data to use a longer sequence length ?

  • a lot of standard data sets out there, there isn’t a lot of long sequence data
  • for training a long sequence model, there is not much to work with
  • even if there are stuffs to work with, one must be very careful where they pull it from
  • when trying to sample the data evenly, the long sequences might be used over and over again

Will the model actually be able to take advantage of longer sequences ?

  • An open scientific question
  • The model may not be able to holistically take advantage of all that information
  • There’s still a lot to learn about long sequence training

Other choices to make

  • Positional encodings: RoPE - Rotary Position Embeddings vs. ALiBi
    • each used by different teams/modes (see the individual notes)
    • not a choice that is settled right now
    • a mixed picture, either is really the better choice
  • Activation: ReLU (used at Mosaic) vs. Swish vs. GLU vs. SwiGLU
    • people use a lot of things
  • Optimizer : Adam vs. Lion vs Sophia vs …
    • Adam is the typical default, but there are challenges, e.g. need 2 full copy of the model in terms of memory because it uses the first and second momentums during training
    • there is 8bit Adam that halve the memory footprint
    • SGD has a low memory footprint but for pre-training it hasn’t gone well (source)
  • Tokenizer: BPE vs. Sentencepiece vs. GPT-NeoX (general-purposed) vs. …


  • if you change the vocabulary or even tokenizer, loss is not necessarily going to be comparable between 2 models need to look at down stream metrics