{% if title %}Title: {{title}}{% endif %} {% if authors %}Authors: {{authors}}{% endif %} Cite key: {{citekey}}
{%- if url %}
- Online Link {%- endif %}
- Zotero PDF Link
From Obsidian
(As notes and annotations from Zotero are one-way synced, this section include a link to another note within Obsidian to host further notes)
From Zotero
(one-way sync from Zotero) {% if notes and notes.length > 0 -%} Imported: {{importDate | format(“YYYY-MM-DD”)}}
{%- macro viewInZotero(note) -%}
[View in local Zotero]({{note.desktopURI.replace(“select”, “open-pdf”)}})
{%- endmacro -%}
{% for note in notes.reverse() %} {{note.note}} {{viewInZotero(note)}}
{% endfor -%} {%- endif %}
Highlighting colour codes
Link to original
- Note: highlights for quicker reading or comments stemmed from reading the paper but might not be too related to the paper
- External Insight: Insights from other works but was mentioned in the paper
- Question/Critic: questions or comments on the content of paper
- Claim: what the paper claims to have found/achieved
- Finding: new knowledge presented by the paper
- Important: anything interesting enough (findings, insights, ideas, etc.) that’s worth remembering
From Zotero
(one-way sync from Zotero) {%- if annotations and annotations.length > 0 -%} {%- set annotations = annotations | filterby(“date”, “dateafter”, lastExportDate) -%}
{%- if annotations.length > 0 %} Imported: {{importDate | format(“YYYY-MM-DD”)}}
{%- macro viewInZotero(annot) -%}
[View in local Zotero: page {{annot.pageLabel}}]({{annot.attachment.desktopURI.replace(“select”, “open-pdf”)}}?page={{annot.pageLabel}}&annotation={{}})
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro highlightType(annot) -%} {%- if annot.colorCategory == “Red” -%} Question/Critic {%- elif annot.colorCategory == “Orange” -%} External Insight {%- elif annot.colorCategory == “Yellow” -%} Note {%- elif annot.colorCategory == “Blue” -%} Claim {%- elif annot.colorCategory == “Green” -%} Finding {%- elif annot.colorCategory == “Purple” -%} Important {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro -%}
{% for annot in annotations -%}
{% if annot.color -%}
{{highlightType(annot)}} | {{viewInZotero(annot)}} {%- else -%} {{annot.type | capitalize}} | {{viewInZotero(annot)}} {%- endif %} {% if annot.annotatedText -%}
“{{annot.annotatedText}}” {%- elif annot.imageRelativePath -%}
Transclude of {{annot.imageRelativePath}}{%- endif %} ^{{ | lower}} {% if annot.comment %}>>{{annot.comment}}{% endif %}
{% endfor -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%}