
  • uses the inclusion-exclusion approach
  • count of such that and == count of such that
  • dp[d] = count of pairs with GCD == d, to calculate dp[d]:
    1. first count the number of pairs having a common divisor == d
    2. then subtract all `dp[d * k] (k > 1)


def count_gcd_of_pairs(nums: list[int]) -> list[int]:
	n = len(nums)
	max_val = max(nums)
	count = [0] * (max_val + 1)
	for x in nums:
		count[x] += 1
	# dp[d] = number of pairs with gcd == d
	dp = [0] * (max_val + 1)
	for d in range(max_val, 0, -1):
		cnt = 0 # count of a that a % d == 0
		for dk in range(d, max_val + 1, d):
			cnt += count[dk]
		# count of pairs with a common divisor == d (a and b % d == 0)
		# == coutdnt of pairs gcd that is a multiple of d (gcd(a, b) % d == 0)
		# why: if a % d == 0 and b % d == 0 then gcd(a, b) % d == 0
		dp[d] = cnt * (cnt - 1) // 2
		# subtract the count of pairs with gcd == d * k with k > 0
		for dk in range(d * 2, max_val + 1, d):
			dp[d] -= dp[dk]
	return dp