I think I’m a nerd, and I also think that being a nerd is nice.
I’m not good with words and expressing myself clearly, I am actively working on it, by writing my thoughts down and by talking to myself.
I talk to myself a lot, which makes me seems weird sometime.
I’m curious, sometime too curious, which is both a good thing and a bad thing
I can be stubborn sometime, which does not pair well with being curious
I’m not good at regulating my attention
- If I find something interesting, I can easily get sucked into it
I’m not very smart, and I’m trying to prove myself wrong
I like to learn new stuff and to understand how things work.
- Sadly I usually not smart enough for that
I want to have a lot of knowledge, and someday become very knowledgeable in my field of work, which happens to be ML
- for me this field is interesting because it’s empirical and intuition-oriented
I find joy in creating something that is intellectually novel and people enjoy using.
I believe in the compound effect of small improvements, but I dream of making a big leap
I like to think that I’m creative and have a lot of ideas
With my thoughts documented, I now have a quantitative indicator of how creative I am.
Link to original
but the quality of my ideas is limited by the lack of my knowledge
I am good at coming up with idea, but not with storing them.
I enjoy experimenting with machine learning techniques and applying intuition and creativity to model development.
I lean toward the ML/modelling itself more than toward its downstream applications.
I like to ask why and what if questions, and I have more questions than I have answers to.