
Input normalization in ML

  • The purpose of normalization is to make the distribution of the input (to any layer) stable

    • To prevent internal covariate shift where the input distribution changes as the previous layers are updated1
    • Uncontrolled growth of activations in unnormalized networks1
  • Previously, people use BatchNorm but nowadays LayerNorm and RMSNorm is more popular

    • RMSNorm is more preferred over LayerNorm

BatchNorm vs LayerNorm and RMSNorm


  • BatchNorm acts across the batch dimension, making the input distribution to be an estimate of the data distribution
    • Treating data points as samples from a distribution
    • Cares about how the data is distributed
    • Captures the dynamic between data points (inter-sample dynamic): for each feature, how importance a data point is compared to other data points
    • Might explain why stochastic batch is needed so that the samples in a batch have a similar distribution as the whole dataset
  • LayerNorm and RMSNorm acts across the feature dimension, making the input to be a collection of distributions
    • Treating each data point as a distribution of features
    • Cares about how the features are distributed in each data point
    • Each feature is a sample from that distribution
    • Captures the dynamic between features of a data point (inter-feature dynamic): for each data point, how importance a feature is compared to other data points
    • Might explain why Curriculum Learning is better for LLM2
      • Data for the same task/domain are variance of some distribution
      • Using batches of data for the same task/domain might also introduce inter-sample dynamic, which is better for learning

LayerNorm vs RMSNorm

  • LayerNorm normalizes the features by mean shifting and std scaling
    • This does not change the distribution of features in a data point
    • But over time, due to the skip connections, activations are added together over and over again
    • Due to the Central Limit Theorem, the activations will eventually become Gaussian regardless of the initial distribution
      • although the initial distribution might already be Gaussianquestion
  • RMSNorm normalizes the features by scaling by RMS ^53c1d6
    • This essentially convert the activations to unit vectors
    • Which means the features have standard distribution



  1. Root Mean Square Layer Normalization 2

  2. Instruction Tuning with Human Curriculum