math prime
sieve of Eratosthenes
def sieve ( limit ):
import math
check = [ True ] * max ( 3 , limit + 1 )
check [ 0 ] = False
check [ 1 ] = False
check [ 2 ] = True
for i in range ( 4 , len ( check ), 2 ):
check [ i ] = False
sqrt_limit = int ( math . sqrt ( limit ))
for i in range ( 3 , sqrt_limit + 1 , 2 ):
if not check [ i ]:
for j in range ( i * i , len ( check ), i ):
check [ j ] = False
return [ i for i in range ( limit + 1 ) if check [ i ]]
def segmented_sieve ( limit ):
import math
sieve_size = 10000
sqrt_limit = int ( math . sqrt ( limit ))
primes = [ 2 ]
is_prime = [ True ] * ( sqrt_limit + 1 )
for x in range ( 3 , sqrt_limit + 1 , 2 ):
if not is_prime [ x ]:
primes . append ( x )
for m in range ( x * x , sqrt_limit + 1 , x ):
is_prime [ m ] = False
del is_prime
for start in range ( 0 , limit + 1 , sieve_size ):
cur_size = min ( sieve_size , limit + 1 - start )
block = [ True ] * cur_size
for p in primes :
i = p * ( start // p + bool ( start % p )) - start
while i < cur_size :
block [ i ] = False
i += p
if start == 0 :
block [ 0 ] = False
block [ 1 ] = False
for i in range ( 0 , cur_size ):
if block [ i ]:
primes . append ( start + i )
return primes
trial division
def trial_div ( limit ):
import math
all_primes = [ 2 ]
for i in range ( 3 , limit + 1 , 2 ):
is_prime = True
root = int ( math . sqrt ( i ))
for p in all_primes :
if p > root :
if i % p == 0 :
is_prime = False
if is_prime :
all_primes . append ( i )
return all_primes
def dijkstra ( limit ):
multiples = [ 4 ]
all_primes = [ 2 ]
lim_prime_idx = 0 # index of the smallest prime doesn't need to check
for x in range ( 3 , limit + 1 , 2 ): # skip 2
if x >= multiples [ lim_prime_idx ]:
lim_prime_idx += 1
# next prime already found due to p_{n + 1} < p_{n}^2
multiples . append ( all_primes [ lim_prime_idx ] ** 2 )
is_prime = True
for i in range ( 1 , lim_prime_idx ): # skip 2
if multiples [ i ] < x :
multiples [ i ] += 2 * all_primes [ i ] # only odd multiples
if x == multiples [ i ]:
is_prime = False
if is_prime :
all_primes . append ( x )
return all_primes
fox x
in range (primes[i - 1]**2, primes[i]**2)
with primes[i - 1]
and primes[i]
are consecutive primes
only need to check for prime factors < primes[i]
open conjecture: there is a prime number in between the squares of 2 consecutive primes
to check for composites, maintain a list of multiples
of all primes up to primes[i]
is the smallest multiple of the primes[i]
that >= x
only need to extend multiples
when the range (primes[i - 1]**2, primes[i]**2)
is initialized with primes[i]**2
because smaller multiples of primes[i]
is divisible by some prime < primes[i]
![[assets/generate primes/attachment.jpg]]
(`Q` is the list of multiples, index starts from 1)
import time
import tracemalloc
limit = 10 ** 6
def profile ( func , limit ):
t = time . perf_counter ()
primes = func ( limit )
print ( "num primes:" , len ( primes ))
print ( "time:" , time . perf_counter () - t )
tracemalloc . clear_traces ()
tracemalloc . start ()
func ( limit )
cur , peak = tracemalloc . get_traced_memory ()
tracemalloc . stop ()
print ( "memory:" , peak - cur )
print ()
print ( 'sieve' , '-' * 10 )
profile ( sieve , limit )
print ( 'segmented sieve' , '-' * 10 )
profile ( segmented_sieve , limit )
print ( 'trial div' , '-' * 10 )
profile ( trial_div , limit )
print ( 'dijkstra' , '-' * 10 )
profile ( dijkstra , limit )
sieve ----------
num primes: 78498
time: 0.3589751999825239
memory: 11143176
segmented sieve ----------
num primes: 78498
time: 1.2164868999971077
memory: 3280104
trial div ----------
num primes: 78498
time: 1.4015573000069708
memory: 3143152
dijkstra ----------
num primes: 78498
time: 0.9058849000139162
memory: 3149888