ln -s /mnt/c/User/ < user nam e > /.ssh/config ~/.ssh/config
NPIPERELAY_URL = "https://github.com/NZSmartie/npiperelay/releases/download/v0.1/npiperelay.exe"
if [ -n " $WSL_DISTRO_NAME " ]; then
APPDATA = " $( wslvar appdata ) "
APPDATA = " ${APPDATA // \/\/ } "
NPIPERELAY_WIN = " $APPDATA /wsl2-ssh-gpg-npiperelay.exe"
NPIPERELAY = " $( wslpath " $NPIPERELAY_WIN " ) "
# Check if npiperelay exists, if not then download it
if [ ! -f " $NPIPERELAY " ]; then
curl -L -q -o " $NPIPERELAY " " $NPIPERELAY_URL "
## Autorun for the gpg-relay bridge
# Set up gpg-agent relay if we have it available
if [ -d ~ /.gnupg ] && [ $( command -v socat ) ] && [ $( command -v $NPIPERELAY ) ]; then
echo "Bridge gpg-agent from windows"
export GPG_SOCK = " $HOME /.gnupg/S.gpg-agent"
# Only set it up if it's not already running
if ! ps aux | grep -q "[s]ocat.*S.gpg-agent" ; then
[ -e $GPG_SOCK ] && rm $GPG_SOCK
mkdir -p " $( dirname " $GPG_SOCK " ) "
setsid socat UNIX-LISTEN:" $GPG_SOCK ",fork EXEC:" $NPIPERELAY -ei -ep -s -a "'"'" $APPDATA "/gnupg/S.gpg-agent'"',nofork
## Autorun for the ssh-relay bridge
# Set up ssh-agent if we have it available, and there isn't a real working SSH_AUTH_SOCK
if [ -d ~ /.ssh ] && [ $( command -v socat ) ] && [ $( command -v $NPIPERELAY ) ] && [ ! -S " $SSH_AUTH_SOCK " ]; then
echo "Bridge ssh-agent from windows"
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK = $HOME/.ssh/agent.sock
# Only set it up if it's not already running
if ! ps aux | grep -q "[s]ocat.*openssh-ssh-agent" ; then
setsid socat UNIX-LISTEN:" $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ",fork EXEC:" $NPIPERELAY -ei -s //./pipe/openssh-ssh-agent",nofork
Add the above script to ~/.scripts/wsl2-ssh-gpg-agents.sh
and then source it in ~/.profile
. Then make sure to source ~/.profile
in shell profile scripts (~/.bash_profile
, ~/.zprofile
, etc.) or shell rc scripts (~/.bashrc
, ~/.zshrc
, etc.) profile vs rc scripts
# relay ssh and gpg agents from windows
. ~/.scripts/wsl2-ssh-gpg-agents.sh
Note: GPG relay is not tested. Alternative things to try if it doesn’t work: